Thurston Thrives is overseen by a public-private Coordinating Council comprised of representatives from: business, action teams/hubs, local government, philanthropy and education, as well as two members at large. The purpose of the Thurston Thrives Coordinating Council is to promote and expand the infrastructure needed to support the action teams, so that as a collective, we can help inform regional policies and develop innovative actions to ensure Thurston County is a healthy place to live, work and play.
The Council does not serve as a board of trustees or directors, but rather as a coordinating body to facilitate the success of the Thurston Thrives initiative. The Coordinating Council’s core functions, supported by the Thurston Thrives Director and Fiscal Agent, are to measure, promote and sustain the initiative.
Its core functions include:
- Foster continuous communication between Council, staff, and Action Teams/Hubs, and support the advancement of Thurston Thrives strategies and goals;
- Identify community needs, gaps and opportunities;
- Review data and measures of progress;
- Set strategic goals for system and process improvement;
- Pursue resources to support Thurston Thrives strategy implementation; and
- Help with engaging the wider community and maintaining high level of public awareness of the actions being done to further Thurston Thrives.