The Thurston County Rental Housing Workgroup of Thurston Thrives had a previously scheduled Information Night for landlords and property managers, but is now adapting the information session into an Online Webinar.
Register for the upcoming Webinar and learn how existing statewide programs can help landlords and tenants during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaker Nicholas Yuva has previously been a landlord for over twenty years in Oregon and Utah for Property Management companies such as Norris & Stevens, American Property Management, Greystar (formerly Riverstone), Income Property Management and the non-profit community developer REACH Community Development.
Nicholas relocated to Olympia, Washington in July of 2018 where he joined the Housing Assistance Unit at the Department of Commerce for the State of Washington as the Landlord Mitigation Administrator overseeing the program launch of the LMP and TPP and successful implementation of both programs. Nicholas brings a rich history of experience working with multiple subsidy providers, tenant demographics and asset management to Commerce and the State of Washington.
Thurston Thrives appointed a Housing Action Team (HAT) with the mission to support neighborhood stability, and people’s health and well-being. The team is working to ensure affordable, adequate and safe housing for all, achieved through collaborative efforts of the public, private and non-profit sectors.
WHO: Thurston County Rental Housing Workgroup of Thurston Thrives
WHAT: Webinar for Landlords and Property Managers
WHEN: Tuesday April 21, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Online Webinar
FOR MORE INFORMATION: This event is coordinated by the Thurston County Rental Housing Workgroup of Thurston Thrives. For more information contact Elisa Sparkman (360) 490-7648 sparkme@co.thurston.wa.us